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A selection of our individual researched and practices, mapping the overlaps and cross-fertilisations born out of our ongoing collaborations, conversations and peer-support. Questions of.....?
A selection of our individual researched and practices, mapping the overlaps and cross-fertilisations born out of our ongoing collaborations, conversations and peer-support. Questions of.....?

Editorial – The Anarchival Impulse
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents A quick glance at some of the latest, major international art events, such as the 55th Venice Biennale (The...

the archive of destruction – Pedro Lagoa Interviewed by Elisa Adami
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents A) Pedro Lagoa (P L) The archive of destruction is an evolving structure which, as the name suggests, is dedicated...

Anarchaeology Series. A Project by Az.Namusn.Art – by Alessandra Ferrini
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents Anarchaeology: an + archaeology. (1) As Maurizio Coccia points out in his text Anarchaeology. Sopra e Contro...

Watered down modernity. Iconoclastic fluids in Alexander Apóstol’s archival mediations
– by Lisa Blackmore << ISSUE Nº 1 Contents In Venezuela during the 1940s and 50s, a potent apparatus was set in motion to construct a new...

Against Historiographical Positivism: Some Skeptical Reflections about the Archival Fetishism
– by Giulia Bassi << ISSUE Nº 1 Contents This brief reflection is intended as an invitation to reconsider the role of the researcher,...

Art Criticism 2.0 – by Paolo Chiasera
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents Introduction to a comparative study between the styles of Roman painting and contemporary visual arts from 1950 to...

Alessandro Di Pietro – dOCUMENTA (13) Das Begleitbuch / The Guidebook KATALOG / CATALOG 4/3
Alessandro Di Pietro Alessandro Di Pietro lives and works in Milan. Among his most important solo shows: La table basse at the off-site...

Between the Archive and the Anarchivable - by Wolfgang Ernst
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents N°1 – Interrupting the Anarchival discourse From the archive to the anarchival impulse and back again In academic,...

Simon Starling’s Analogue Analogies at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart – by Yvonne Bialek
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents The museum is a treacherous archive. The visitor to its gallery halls perceives its vibrancy, its miraculous...

Institute of Contemporary Arts: An Archival Experiment – Lucy Bayley, Ben Cranfield and Anne Massey
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents Hal Foster, in An Archival Impulse, cites the Independent Group (IG) as an example of an earlier interest in modes...

The Pathological Rhythm of the Archive – by Eirini Grigoriadou
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents “Pathology, in a word illness, is always accompanied by a disruption of rhythms: arrhythmia that goes as far as...

Multiple Signatures of Subtraction – by Robert Luzar
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents A signature is commonly understood as the inscription of one’s name. A signature, more emphatically, inscribes who...

Emilio Vavarella – The Sicilian Family
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents The Sicilian Family is a photographic series of 44 digital elaborations of vintage analog photographs, based on my...

Returning to the Tabularium – by Alana Kushnir + Lawrence Lek: Memory Palace
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents An Exhibition and Archive in Pursuit of Chronological Time (1) In the so-called Information Age there is little...

Retrograde Stairwell - A Short Story by Chris Mason
<< ISSUE Nº 1 Contents A distorted series of thumps echo down the walls, as Dean, heart pounding in his ears, climbs the stairs two at a...
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